Funding 2023

Read all about the I AM Fund’s next funding round and tips to help with your application.


Since October 2021, the I AM Fund has awarded £137,640 to 20 performing arts projects.

As the fund continues to develop, the committee are continually adapting to the needs of the local sector, as well the ever-changing financial climate we are living in.

With this in mind, the panel have made a few changes to the their priorities.

Funding Rounds

For 2023, the panel will be reducing its funding rounds from 3 per year to 2 per year. These will happen in March and September with applications opening 7 weeks before each committee meeting, and closing 1 week prior to the meeting.

The next round opens 7th February 2023.


Although match-funding has never been, and still isn’t, essential the panel are keen to see projects that can ensure sustainability. Clearly explaining the legacy of a project, whether it is a one-off or ongoing, allows the committee to understand the full investment of their grant and the impact it will have.

The average grants awarded by the I AM Fund are around £4-6k. Although applications for up to £10k are accepted, the panel are looking at offering smaller grants in order to support more projects. The committee understands that this means match-funding might be needed in order to deliver larger projects.


The I AM Fund has 3 main priorities: invest in young talent, inspire creative expression, improve experience. So what do these mean?

Invest: projects should be centred around young people and developing their creative career pathways. Ideally, this starts from the inception of activity. Including young people in the entire process ensures that your project will engage them in something that interests them, and is more likely to encourage future progression.

Inspire: the I AM Fund is focused on Performing Arts, in particular dance and drama. Projects should include one or both of these. Young people can be inspired to get creative in various ways and this depends on past experience, current access to the arts and individual ability. These factors should be carefully thought about as you decide how to engage participants. E.g. providing workshops with a performance element to young people who have never done any performing arts before could be overwhelming. Ask the young people if they want to perform. Put options in place for those young people who aren’t ready to perform- they could design the poster, help source props, assist the director. Take their lead and give them the space to explore their creativity.

Improve: research shows that there are pockets of the East Riding with minimal arts’ engagement yet there are at least 45 private dance schools in the East Riding alone providing classes. Travel and financial barriers are a clear issue which means young people cannot access these services even if they are on their doorstep. Costs that help to breakdown these barriers should be included in your project budget.

The I AM Fund expects high quality projects to be delivered by Performing Arts’ professionals. However, they recognise the importance in partnerships to ensure Arts Organisations have access to young people who wouldn’t normally engage in the arts.

HEY Smile Foundation are actively encouraging organisations to register their interest in applying for support from the I AM Fund via their website or by contacting their team on or 01482 590270.

See how we have helped organisations so far:




I AM FUND June 2022 Grantholders Announced!