2023 Awards
Wolfpack Theatre
The Young People’s Theatre project focuses on young people aged 12-20, giving them the opportunity take a create lead and develop their pieces of performance art whilst being educated on key skills with the arts industry, helping to eliminate access barriers to the arts.
JoinedUp Dance
A new dance group for young people with aspirations to follow a career in contemporary dance. JoinedUp will support them to develop a level of skill, creativity and confidence to audition for professional contemporary dance training and provide mentoring and careers’ advice.
The Herd
The Herd are extending and developing our successful ‘One Day Play’ Programme with Hull and East Yorkshire Children’s University, introducing 310 primary aged children to theatre making through the creation of a play in one day. Participants get hands on with performance, design, sound and lighting in a professional theatre.
Thunk-It Theatre
A one week creative summer school for up to 15 young people aged 11-18 in Pocklington. Using a script from the ‘Positive Stories for Negative Times’ project, the young people will co-create a performance to be showcased publicly at the Pocklington Arts Centre.
Young Playwrights
Young Playwrights offers young people an alternative creative and diverse learning through the arts, providing immersive experiences with local professional actors; developing scripts for their characters, finding their voice as a playwright, and seeing their characters and campaigns come to life during their final performance.
An audition preparation class for Hull's young people, bringing in industry expertise, NAPA alumni and offering careers advice specific to the performing arts sector. Plus a new programme called EMERGENCE to encourage more boys and young men into dance.
ARCADE will create a drama group in Bridlington's Spotlight Theatre, open to young people aged 12-18. Offering weekly, high quality, inclusive arts activity cultivating connection, belonging and positivity, raising self-esteem and skills. There will be performance opportunities, with a musical planned for 2024.iption goes here
Developing performing arts opportunities in the socially deprived area of Bransholme Hull. Which is one of the most deprived areas in the UK.The project aims to engage children in the area who would not normally have the chance to engage in art forms such as music, drama and dance.
Creative Voice Youth Arts Festival
Creative Voice Youth Arts Festival has been co-programmed by young people featuring What Makes You Happy 3D printed set and augmented reality exhibition, drop in workshops as well as the opportunity for young people to share performances. A panel will discuss the importance of arts supporting mental health.
2022 Awards
Freedom Road Creative Arts
The FRCA Meet and Learn Together Project will aim to introduce young people to performing arts and specifically the help FRCA can offer within some of the most deprived areas of Hull. It will introduce YP to peers, workshops, and live performances to inspire and introduce a sense of belonging.
Developing performing arts opportunities in the socially deprived area of Bransholme Hull. Which is one of the most deprived areas in the UK. The project aims to engage children in the area who would not normally have the chance to engage in art forms such as music, drama and dance.
Mama T's Dance House CIC
Mama T's Dance House CIC will provide FREE OF CHARGE Streetdance for Primary School children ages 5-11 years across the communities of Hull. This project will aim to help children have access to the arts with no financial barriers.
National Initiative for Creative Education
voiCentre is a creative project which provides opportunities for BAME young people to participate in performing arts. By involving participants in drama workshops, we support them in a creative way to express feelings, overcome barriers of participation in the arts, build confidence to connect with others and develop new skills.
Goodwin Development Trust & 1Upstarts
Mansion of Mystery will be an interactive children's show, created in the style of choose-your-own adventure games. The project will allow young people from the Thornton estate in Hull to be involved in co-creating an interactive performance with 1upstarts theatre group. This project comprises a creation process and small tour.
Aba Daba Circus
A new space in Hull that will offer circus and aerial classes to children aged 5-10 and young adults ages 11-17 as well as 18+ classes.
The Godber Theatre Foundation
‘Don’t Just Sit There’, a tour to junior schools across East Yorkshire in Autumn 2022 involving members of The Godber Theatre Foundation as the Creative Team and Cast.

2021 Awards
Hull & East Riding Arts and Culture Trust
Small pots of funding for local young people to access auditions and materials and improve creative career pathways.
Hull Dance
Developing Young Dance Leaders - a programme to train up local young people to lead high quality dance classes and inspire the next generation of dancers.
Thunk-It Theatre
Thunk-it will collaborate with up to 50 young people in the East Riding by devising two versions of new published play as part of the international Positive Stories For Negative Times Project. The performance will be showcased at Pocklington Arts Centre (July 2022) & filmed for online screenings.
The Herd Theatre
A Play in a Day in partnership with HEY Children’s University. A performing arts experience day for primary school students from 10 Hull schools.
National Youth Arts Trust
Supporting the continuation of their Hull Youth Theatre, a high-quality training programme for young people from low-income, non-privileged backgrounds.
Young Playwrights
YOUNG PLAYWRIGHTS aims to open children's minds to the possibility of a future career in the arts by providing immersive, creative experiences with local professional actors; taking them through the process of developing characters through to seeing those characters come alive in performance.
Audition classes for senior students in preparation for drama school auditions. Brought to the NAPA team by their students, these classes will be catered to the needs of those applying to drama school.
Middle Child
Recover, Restart, Reimagine is a 3-phase programme to ensure Hull’s next generation of creative people aren’t lost forever following the devastating impact of the pandemic in our city.
Route One Youth Centre
A drama workshop programme led by professional actor Zoe Kenington for the young people of Route One Youth Centre with the aim of further talent development.
Dramatic Theatre C.I.C
A research and development programme ‘This is Me’. Working with the young people at Lollipop to explore improvisation and drama.
The Godber Theatre Foundation
A digital showcase to provide a platform for their graduating students to connect with Hull and East Riding theatre professionals as they go forward into arts careers.
National Initiative for Creative Education
voiCentre is a creative project for BAME young people to participate in performing arts. Via drama workshops, we support students to express feelings, overcome barriers of participation in the arts, build confidence to connect with others, and develop new skills.
Best Hope
The development of their Young Artists’ Club to provide mentorship for talented young people to progress their skills over 6 months.
Andrew McNicol Ballet Collective
development of their Digital Dance Education Hub, a dynamic online resource designed to support young dancers in progressing in their careers via workshops, interviews, networking and performances.
Castaway Goole
A new opportunity for young people 8–24yrs to participate in McAndrew’s adaptation of David Copperfield, a musical stage / film production. Includes training routes and coaching opportunities that build an ongoing progression pathway to foster individual talent.
Hull Truck Theatre
Two new "outreach" youth theatre groups targeting participants living in Thornton Estate/Hessle Road and Orchard Park, providing regular creative activities that promote confidence and foster the essential life skills that young people can access in their own neighbourhoods.
2020 Awards
Pocklington Arts Centre
PAC intends to collaborate with regional creative practitioners Magic Carpet Theatre and DigiFish Productions to programme and stage high quality children's theatre alongside an online community outreach programme featuring storytelling, workshops, talks and live productions.
East Riding Theatre
A free online summer school for ages 14-21 delivered by drama practitioner, Andy Johnson.